Here's an example of how you can integrate marked with CodeMirror:

    First, install the required packages:

    Next, import the necessary modules in your code:

    Then, create an instance of CodeMirror and set up the live preview functionality using marked:

    In the example above, we create a CodeMirror instance with a specified mode (e.g., 'javascript'). We also create a preview element (<div id="preview"></div>) where the rendered markdown will be displayed.

    The onChange event of the CodeMirror editor is used to update the content of the preview element. We call marked on the editor's value and set it as the HTML content of the preview element, which will render the markdown with syntax highlighting.

    Make sure to import the appropriate CodeMirror mode for the language you're working with. For example, if you're working with JavaScript code, import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript'.

    Remember to include the necessary CSS styles for CodeMirror and the desired CodeMirror theme in your HTML file. Also, you may need to configure additional settings for CodeMirror like the theme, line numbers, etc., based on your requirements.

    With this setup, as you type in the CodeMirror editor and make changes, the markdown in the preview element will be rendered dynamically by marked, with the correct syntax highlighting for code blocks.