Go to the PatrickMichaelsenBot
Use this link to access the Patrick Michaelsen Bot. The Patrick Michaelsen Bot is demo designed to showcase certain features and usecases of the app.
You can try this out, and consider yourself a pre-alpha tester.
Not enough people read this blog to warrant concern for lack of security measures--I think.
Keep in mind, any data is stored and processed by machine learning.
Do not send any personal information or personal confessions to the bot.
Basic measures are in place such that a legitimate actor has no method to access another user's data or messages.
However, the need to account for illegitimate actors is the reason this is pre-alpha, and not alpha.
That being said, also do not abuse the tool. It is true if you're not signed in you will lose your existing data upon creating an account.
However, it is also true that data still exists and that it links to you; either through network information or by voluntary personal information such as name or email address when registering a "new" account.
That said, mind your manners. I will know who you are.
Now! Have fun!
Some things you can try to say to the bot:
Code Question
This is not just an example conversation. This follows an actual conversation I had out of curiosity to see how it would handle modifying existing code. Try it for yourself, see how it does. Its success rate is... variable.
Image Upload
This conversation is me summoning up a widget. This widget is a React Componrnt that, in this case, acts as a user input control for image uploads.
Theres no link to remember, no search page to visit, no outdated docs, no disorganized navigation, and no contacting support when you somehow can't find the thing.
The trigger words do not have to be exact. The bot will infer your meaning based on prior training.
The following all work:
Yes, even with the typos.
And more
Theres other stuff you can do with the bot, but I don't feel like documenting them here, now.
Let's jusy say we'll cover it on the next page. Wink.
- Pat
tags: rixfeed dev log