• 2 years ago - link
    by @ghost

    rixfeed dev log

    next feature that would be neat

    would be sick for writing interactive code blogs


    this would allow me to enable cold folding. that way i could start jsdoc comments folded by default and then allow the user or reader to expand them according to their interest

    the other option of course is to just build a very linked web of pages. instead of documenting everything in comments, i could just provide links to explanation nodes

    the other thought is it would be neat to build some sort of popover, modal, or side panel that could display this information

    it's too bad markdown-to-jsx doesn't support custom componts within code blocks.

    on an unrelated note, it would also be very neat to enable... well, actually, i forgot i was going to suggest.

    that's the end of this blog post.

    ta-ta for now.

    - pat